
It all started when…

I happened across an antique store for sale. I wanted desperately to own that tiny shop. My love of antiques started as a child, when my family and I would take long car rides and stop at random antique stores along the way.  Those trips would become part of me when I moved away from home. I would pack sandwiches and juice and get lost on the road. That's when I found that shop for sale. But somehow that dream drifted away...

As time passed, and I started doing themed parties for friends, I often found myself drifting back to vintage treasures. What if I started a vintage party supply business? I struggled for years with questions like: How would I  know what to rent? What if no one understood my design choices? What if.....

Finally, without making any commitments, I decided to scout out patterns and makers, broadening my searches and asking questions of vendors. I still remember my first rental purchase. I must have visited that shop 50 times before taking those Currier and Ives plates up to the register. I brought them home, placed them on the counter, and looked at them like a proud mama. This was where I was suppose to be. My heart was singing and it felt right.

Welcome to my joy of everything yesterday!

Yvonne Gay,

Owner, Yesterday's Party


Marsha Bragg
Web Copy Editor

Amanda Nagy
Web Copy Editor



Yevhen Gulenko

Hillary Hempstead

Blue Rooster


Mathias Reed
Inventory Lighting Design

Ryan Sprowl
Brand Design